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How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?
Most of us can tell when it is time to replace worn shoes. It is easy to know if you need to get new batteries or a light bulb. Yet how often should you replace your toothbrush? It turns out, not many people know how to recognize the signs that it is time to get ... How Often Should You Change Your Toothbrush?
Habit Changes That Can Lead To A Healthier Mouth
Your dental health is a critical part of your overall health, so you need to spend time taking proper care of it. The good news — you have a lot of control over your oral health. In fact, if you want more beautiful, resilient teeth, consider making these seven habit changes. 1. Reduce Your Sugar ... Habit Changes That Can Lead To A Healthier Mouth
Teaching Your Kids To Brush Their Teeth Should Be Fun
Is it a daily struggle to get your kids to brush their teeth? Do your children put up a fight every time you head for their toothbrushes? While it’s essential for your children to form good oral care habits at an early age, it’s not always easy for parents to get them to brush their teeth properly.
Foods And Drinks That Stain Your Teeth
White teeth and a bright smile convey youth, health and confidence. Unfortunately, too many adults think that if they simply find the perfect whitening toothpaste or commit to better brushing and flossing, they can remedy their teeth staining problems. While all of these oral hygiene habits are very helpful in whitening your teeth, patients must ... Foods And Drinks That Stain Your Teeth
Dental Terms Explained
At Natomas Crossing Dental Care, patient education is a core part of our practice’s mission. When our patients have a good grasp on dental care, they are equipped to make confident and educated decisions about their oral health. That’s why our team spends ample time with every patient discussing their treatments and providing information about ... Dental Terms Explained
Did The Tooth Fairy Visit You?
Losing baby teeth — especially the first few — can be scary, strange and uncomfortable for kids. It’s no wonder parents introduce the tooth fairy tradition with their children as a way to help reassure kids that the loss of their teeth is a normal and natural part of growing up. Did the tooth fairy ... Did The Tooth Fairy Visit You?
How To Tell If You Need A Root Canal
If you have a tooth that’s severely damaged or decayed, you may need to have a root canal to save it. In the past, the only treatment for a severely damaged tooth was extraction. Today, however, you can have a root canal and keep your natural tooth. The best news — the procedure is fairly ... How To Tell If You Need A Root Canal
The Top Reasons Why It’s Critical To Brush Your Teeth Before Bed
Sometimes when it’s time for bed, you’re so tired that you wonder if you should really waste the time and energy brushing your teeth before falling asleep. After all, you can brush when you wake up in the morning. The truth? Those few minutes spent brushing your teeth at bedtime are critical to your overall ... The Top Reasons Why It’s Critical To Brush Your Teeth Before Bed
How Sports And Energy Drinks Can Damage Teeth
For a good pick-me-up, a sports or energy drink may be the first beverage you grab. While these increasingly popular drinks are usually fine to consume in moderation, too much of these beverages can wreak havoc on your teeth. At Natomas Crossing Dental Care, we encourage patients to limit their consumption of sports and energy ... How Sports And Energy Drinks Can Damage Teeth
How Allergies Can Cause Tooth Pain
When you think about spring, budding trees, warmer weather and blooming flowers probably come to mind. However, while spring is a beautiful time of year, it’s also allergy season. As those newly budding and blooming plants release pollen, your allergies kick in and leave you feeling miserable. Inhale that pollen and your immune system can ... How Allergies Can Cause Tooth Pain
Spring Cleaning Your Teeth
Spring is all about new life and beginnings. Maybe you’re already planning to do some spring cleaning to get your home whipped into shape, whether it’s finally organizing your garage or cleaning the house, top to bottom, until everything gleams in the spring sunlight. Of course, while you’re gearing up for some serious spring cleaning, ... Spring Cleaning Your Teeth
Root Canal Procedures: Myths Vs. Facts
The minute a dentist mentions a root canal, most patients become very nervous. For decades, root canals have been synonymous with pain. In fact, root canal treatment is one of the most feared dental treatments. Don’t postpone the treatment that you need out of fear. If you’re worried about having this treatment, it’s time to ... Root Canal Procedures: Myths Vs. Facts