Answers To Your Questions About Wisdom Teeth

The third molars, usually referred to as wisdom teeth, grow into the back of the mouth, and most people get four wisdom teeth. These are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth, and usually surface in young adulthood. Although you can go through life without any problems from your wisdom teeth, some patients experience complications that make wisdom teeth removal necessary. Here’s a helpful guide that offers the best answers to your wisdom teeth questions.

Common Wisdom Teeth Misconceptions

Many misconceptions surround wisdom teeth and their removal, and one such misconception is the idea that everyone needs to have these teeth removed. If wisdom teeth grow naturally and don’t threaten the alignment or health of other teeth, they probably won’t need to be removed. However, many patients have mouths that are too small to accommodate wisdom teeth, which can lead to oral complications.

Some people believe they are too old to have their wisdom teeth removed, and this is one of the common wisdom teeth questions we hear all the time. While it’s definitely easier to remove wisdom teeth before they’re done developing, they can be removed at any age if they’re causing problems.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Process

Having your wisdom teeth removed can seem a bit scary, so it’s a good idea to know what to expect when extraction occurs. A local anesthetic may be used to numb the area. Or, in some cases, particularly if all your wisdom teeth are being removed, you may be given a general anesthetic so you’ll sleep through the procedure. To remove the wisdom tooth, the gum tissue is opened and any bone that may be covering the tooth is removed. The tissue that connects the wisdom tooth and the bone will be separated, and then the tooth will be removed. Sometimes, the tooth may need to be cut into smaller pieces for easier removal. After removing the wisdom tooth, stitches may be needed to close the gum tissue.

Recovering From Wisdom Tooth Removal

The recovery period for wisdom tooth removal usually only lasts several days. You’ll likely be prescribed pain medications to keep you comfortable while you’re healing. Depending on how complicated your removal was, you’ll probably be asked to take it easy for a few days, since physical activity may make bleeding worse. You’ll also need to eat soft foods for a few days, and you’ll be advised to avoid using a straw for at least 48 hours. Swelling is a common problem after surgery and may last for as long as a week. You can control swelling with ice packs.


Other common wisdom teeth questions include:

Is wisdom tooth removal painful? You won’t feel pain during the extraction. However, after the procedure, you probably will experience some pain. Your oral surgeon will prescribe medications to help keep you comfortable while you’re healing.

What’s the best way to control post-procedure bleeding? If you’re dealing with bleeding, biting on a gauze pack and putting pressure on the area can help slow or stop the bleeding.

What will happen if I don’t have my wisdom teeth removed? If you have impacted wisdom teeth, they can start causing many oral health problems. It’s often tough to clean them, which means cavities are more likely. Gum disease may develop between your second molars and your wisdom teeth. Pain and swelling caused by infection or inflammation can occur.

Is wisdom tooth removal safe for pregnant women? This procedure can be done safely during pregnancy, although it needs to be done with minimal trauma. However, every case is different and you should always let your dentist know you’re pregnant so you can decide together if it’s safe to proceed with wisdom tooth removal while pregnant.

If you want to learn more about wisdom tooth removal or general tooth extraction, contact Natomas Crossing Dental Care today for a consultation.